19grams x dalgona coffee Der cremige Instantkaffeeschaum – wir erinnern uns wahrscheinlich alle noch allzu gut an den Online-Hype um Dalgona Coffee aus der Pandemie. Aber der Trend geht auch anders. Wir haben etwas...
Karlsbader Pot aka Bayreuther Coffee Pot The Karlsbader Kanne, a timeless and elegant method for brewing excellent coffee, consists of four porcelain parts. The coffee is filtered through a fine, double-glazed porcelain sieve. Thanks to the...
Bulletproof Coffee Bulletproof Coffee is a trendy coffee that particularly appeals to nutrition geeks: the idea behind it is that the combination of healthy fats and caffeine energises the body and brain...
Mocha Mocha or Mochaccino is a popular coffee drink, especially in winter, because it combines hot chocolate with espresso. The sweet chocolaty flavours underline the bitter-chocolaty notes of the espresso and...
Americano Americano and Long Black are variations of the same idea. You'll sometimes see them on coffee menus, but you'll also hear them called something else like "coffee crema", "allongé" or...
Flat White You've probably seen this coffee on the menus of lots of coffee shops, and might have asked yourself what all the fuss is about. This guide runs through the history...
Bialetti / Moka Pot The Bialetti / Moka pot is a fantastic tool for brewing great espresso-like coffee without spending too much money on a machine for your home kitchen. Here's the 19grams recipe....
Gin Coffee Tonic Ingredients40 g gin80 g Cold Brew160 g tonic water8 large ice cubes Garnish: 1 lemon slice Cold Brew preparationCheck out our Cold Brew recipe. Cocktail Preparation First put the ice...
Cold Brew Coffee Preparation Cold Brew Coffee PreparationIt's finally summer and therefore Cold Brew time! Cold Brew coffee is indispensable on hot summer days. Cold brew coffee is the trendy drink in cafés or...
Cold Brew We love cold brew. Want to know how you can make yourself a thirst-quenching batch at home without any fancy equipment? Joel, our head of training, spills the beans on...
Iced Filter (V60) Need a refreshing iced coffee? We have a recipe for you. Let's brew with us at home. - Coffee weight - 35g- Grind size - Medium/Fine (slightly finer)- Brew water...
Iced Latte and Iced Americano Iced Latte and Iced Americano The classic among the Iced Coffees is the Iced Latte or Iced Americano. The difference to a Latte Macchiato or an Americano is of course...
Filter coffee machine Filter coffee machines: these days they might be considered a bit passé, something you might find in an office or at your grandparents' place, but they're still a great way...
Chemex The Chemex is one of those captivating items in the world of coffee. It’s probably not the most practical brewer, and its design can be a bit divisive, yet it’s...
Aeropress Espresso Calling all Aeropress fans! Want to whip up a tasty espresso with your Aeropress? Whether you’re at home or on the road, this guide shows you how. The Aeropress is...
Origami Der Origami Dripper ist ein so flexibler Dripper, der dir eine große Kontrolle und Freiheit gibt, um eine wirklich ausgezeichnete Tasse Kaffee zu produzieren. Hier findest du das 19grams Rezept...
Fellow Stagg This beautifully made brewer became one of Mars', one of our amazing roasters, immediate favorite brew methods that she uses regularly. You can find the 19grams recipe here....
French Press French Press brewing is for many one of the best and easiest ways to enjoy coffee. Here you get step by step instructions and the 19grams Brew recipe...
Espresso Back in the 19th century, coffee was big business in Europe. As inventors sought to improve the brew and shorten the brewing time, espresso was born. For many coffee drinkers,...
Concentrate & Dilute Many espresso roasts in Specialty Coffee are so light that you can easily brew them as a filter without tasting strong roasted notes. But there are techniques to make the...