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Terrazas del Pisque - Ecuador Filter

White Grape, Pomelo, Roasted Hazelnut
Regular price
23,90 EUR €
Regular price
Sale price
23,90 EUR €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

    This lot from Finca Terrazas del Pisque reached the 16th place in the Cup of Excellence. A particularly high distinction. The lot is a washed Typica with a soft, clean profile that is juicy and well balanced.


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    You can also select a grind level in each product if you want us to grind the beans for you. We use a Mahlkönig EK43 for this.

    Frenchpress and Aeropress are ground on the same setting.


    Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


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    19grams Terrazas del Pisque - Ecuador Rare Filter COE
    19gramss Cup of Excellence Terras Del Pisques Kaffee
    19grams Geisha Rarität Kaffee Rückseite

    Geeignet für die Filter Zubereitung:

    Owner of the Terrazas Pisque

    Zum Kaffee

    White Grape, Pomelo, Roasted Hazelnut

    Score: 87.5
    Süße: 4/5 Honey
    Säure: 3/5 tropical fruits
    Mundgefühl: 5/5 smooth and silky
    Nachgeschmack: 5/5 Dark Chocolate and Long Lasting

    Varietät: Typica
    Verarbeitung: Washed
    Erntejahr: 2022
    Trocknungszeit: several days

    1:16 (z.B. 16gr Kaffee auf 250gr Wasser) in 2,5 bis 3,5 Minuten

    Über den Kaffee

    Arnaud hatte zuvor eine andere Farm in der Provinz Pichincha namens Las Tolas gestartet, die sich als Herausforderung erwies, da exotische Bäume Schwierigkeiten hatten, mit den einheimischen Pflanzen in der Region zu konkurrieren. Mit Terrazas del Pisque, benannt nach dem benachbarten Fluss Pisque, wollte er diese Herausforderung überwinden. Es war das Ergebnis von Arnauds landwirtschaftlichem Wissen und seinen früheren Erfahrungen im Kaffeeanbau in Ecuador. Durch die Nutzung agroökologischer Prinzipien und regenerativer Landwirtschaft kultivierten Arnaud und sein Team einen besonderen Kaffee, der den 16. Platz beim ersten Cup of Excellence Wettbewerb Ecuadors belegte.

    Terrazas del Pisque

    Die Farm | Terrazas del Pisque

    Located just a few miles north of Quito, the bustling capital of Ecuador, is the canton of Pedro Moncayo in the Pichincha Province. This region is known for its rich volcanic soils, towering mountains, and rumbling volcanoes, making it an ideal place to cultivate coffee. At an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level, Terrazas del Pisque is a magnificent farm situated on the edge of a highland desert. The farm was initiated 9 years ago by Arnaud Causse, a French agricultural engineer, with the intention of blending nature with coffee production.

    Arnaud previously started another farm in the Pichincha province called Las Tolas, which was a challenge to maintain as exotic trees struggled to compete with native plants in the area. He aimed to overcome this challenge with Terrazas del Pisque, named after the neighboring Pisque River, and it was the culmination of Arnaud's agricultural knowledge and his previous farming experiences in Ecuador. By utilizing agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture, Arnaud and his team cultivated a magnificent lot of coffee that won 20th place at Ecuador's first Cup of Excellence competition.

    Terrazas del Pisque is a farm that embodies the idea of working with nature to produce high-quality coffee while preserving local flora and fauna. It utilizes the natural benefits of surrounding ecosystems to provide nutrients and resources to the coffee, requiring fewer inputs and helping to rebuild the natural systems in this diverse region of Ecuador. This is Mercanta's first time purchasing an Ecuador lot, and they hope to continue supporting these remarkable farms in the future.

    new partner
    Farmer/ Produzent:
    Amaud Chausse
    owner lead farm

    Land, Region: Ecuador, Pedro Moncayo, Pichincha
    2.100 masl
    Bodentyp: vulcanic soils
    Düngemethode: organic
    Schattentyp: grown in the shadow
    Ort der Verarbeitung:
    on the farm
    Anzahl der Varietäten: several

    Cup of Excellence 2022

    Mehr zur Farm

    Located just a few miles north of Quito, the bustling capital of Ecuador, is the canton of Pedro Moncayo in the Pichincha Province. This region is known for its rich volcanic soils, towering mountains, and rumbling volcanoes, making it an ideal place to cultivate coffee. At an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level, Terrazas del Pisque is a magnificent farm situated on the edge of a highland desert. The farm was initiated 9 years ago by Arnaud Causse, a French agricultural engineer, with the intention of blending nature with coffee production.

    Arnaud previously started another farm in the Pichincha province called Las Tolas, which was a challenge to maintain as exotic trees struggled to compete with native plants in the area. He aimed to overcome this challenge with Terrazas del Pisque, named after the neighboring Pisque River, and it was the culmination of Arnaud's agricultural knowledge and his previous farming experiences in Ecuador. By utilizing agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture, Arnaud and his team cultivated a magnificent lot of coffee that won 20th place at Ecuador's first Cup of Excellence competition.

    Terrazas del Pisque is a farm that embodies the idea of working with nature to produce high-quality coffee while preserving local flora and fauna. It utilizes the natural benefits of surrounding ecosystems to provide nutrients and resources to the coffee, requiring fewer inputs and helping to rebuild the natural systems in this diverse region of Ecuador. This is Mercanta's first time purchasing an Ecuador lot, and they hope to continue supporting these remarkable farms in the future.

    • Owner of the Terrazas Pisque
    • Terroir El Pisque
    • Terrazas del Pisque

    Bloody Good Coffee

    – SEIT 2002

    Anthony Coe 19grams Röster

    Bloody Good Rockstar

    Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Kaffees, um diese Säuren herauszustellen, aber auch die Süße hervorzuheben. 

    Die Rockstars unter den Kaffees sind für uns all die Sorten, die besonders selten ist. Wir bei 19grams sind besonders stolz auf unser umfangreiches Sortiment der Raritäten. Denn ein Geisha-Kaffee schmeckt nur dann besonders gut, wenn der Röster regelmäßig erfahrungswerte beim Rösten sammeln. Wir rösten jede Woche verdammt gute Sorten - als einzige Rösterei in Deutschland.

    Deinen Lieblingskaffee einfach online bestellen.

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