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8. St. Nicolaus - Honduras Espresso

Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Citrus

This lot is a blend of three different varieties, which together create a harmonious cup. The semi-washed processing, which combines elements of both washed and natural processing, has a lasting effect on the flavour profile and texture (i.e. how the coffee feels on the tongue). The cup is richer and also fruitier.


Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


Unsere Dosen enthalten 50g und sind 100% recyclebar. Kein Mischmaterialien.


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19grams Dose 8 Einzeln
19grams Dose 8

Bloody Good Advent

– Seit 8 Jahren

Zum Kaffee

Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Citrus

Süße: 4/5 Butterscotch
Säure: 2/5 Apple Cidre
4/5 creamy

Varietät: Lempira, Ihcafe 90, Parainema
Verarbeitung: Semi Washed
Erntejahr: 2023

1:2.5 (e.g. 19g coffee to 47.5g water) in 30-35 seconds

Über den Kaffee

The Santa Bárbara region of Honduras is known for its high-quality coffee production, especially at higher altitudes. Growing at altitudes such as the 1,450 meters you indicate results in slower ripening of the coffee fruits, which contributes to a more intense and fuller taste of the coffee. The cooler temperatures and unique soil conditions of this region contribute to the unique quality and distinctive flavors of the coffee.

The lot (No. 1651) from the 2022/23 harvest from the Saint Nicolaus farm is a blend of three different varieties: Lempira, Ihcafe 90, Parainema. There are only 15 bags of this particular variety in total - that's quite a small amount for one harvest. Overall, the three varieties form a balanced taste profile that produces only a few acids, but a high level of sweetness and pleasant chocolate notes.

Map Honduras

Über die Farm

new partner
Farmer/ Produzent:
Owner-managed farm

Land, Region: Honduras, Santa Barbara
1.450 masl
Bodentyp: fertile soils
Düngemethode: biologic
Schattentyp: grown in the shade
Ort der Verarbeitung:
on the farm
Anzahl der Varietäten: several
Dec - Mar

Mehr zur Farm

Before 1900, coffee in Honduras was essentially a garden plant, which was grown on small plots of land and sold within the country for its own use. Less than 10 percent of the coffee harvested was exported in 1894. By 1900, exports had more than doubled, but the banana was still king. A decline in banana production over the decades coincided with a slow but steady growth in coffee production. Today, Honduras is the largest coffee producer in Middle America and exported more than 5 million bags in the last year. In addition, the country is one of the largest exporters of specialty coffee.

Different varieties are grown at Hacienda Saint Nicolaus, but in our lot - a so-called single origin blend - these three varieties come together: The Lempira, which brings in gentle and mild notes of caramel and chocolate, while Ihcafe 90, a roast, the Immune to leaf rust and great for business in hilly Honduras, it is both supple and complex. The lot is rounded off by the Parainema variety, which is well balanced and has notes of honey, honeysuckle, Concord grapes, lemon peel and jasmine. Acidity is at the forefront, with notes of bergamot giving the cup a citrusy finish.

Espresso läuft durch Siebträger in 19grams Tasse

Bloody Good Espresso

Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

Mit unseren Espresso-Röstungen präsentieren wir die intensiven Geschmacksprofile verschiedener Kaffee-Ursprünge. Entdecke unsere Single Origin Espressos - allesamt 100% Aracabica Kaffees, die von unserem Röstteam sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend geröstet wurden.

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