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16. Ebano Verde - Dom. Republik Espresso

Fudge, Vanilla, Almond

Coffees from the Dominican Republic are known for their full body, moderate to light acidity, rich aroma and earthy tones.


Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


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16. Ebano Verde - Dom. Republik Espresso
16. Ebano Verde - Dom. Republik Espresso

Bloody Good Advent

– Seit 8 Jahren

19grams Ebano Verde Dominican Republic Sträucher

Zum Kaffee

Fudge, Vanilla, Almond

Süße: 2/5 Dark Chocolate
Säure: 1/5 quiet
4/5 earthy

Varietät: Caturra, Catimores
Verarbeitung: Washed
Erntejahr: 2022/23

16g coffee grounds, 250g water, medium grind, approx. 2.5 min brewing time

Über den Kaffee

A smooth flavor profile with notes of vanilla and almond. The hilly landscapes, tropical forests and abundant rainfall of the Dominican Republic provide an attractive eco-climate for growing coffee at medium altitudes at most.

"The coffee produced on our farms undergoes a high level of post-harvest processing, mainly using the washed method. The cup profile is soft and is characterized by a perfect balance between body, acidity and an intense aroma,
acidity and an intense aroma. Our plantations are mostly planted in the shade, which leads to a slow and good ripening of the coffee cherry and also contributes to the protection of the environment."

19grams Ebano Verde Dominican Republic Farm

Über die Farm

This family business is extremely socially minded. They use fermented coffee cherries to produce natural gas, which is used to partially power the business.

new partner
Farmer/ Produzent:
Belarminio Ramirez e Hijos, S.A.
owner run farm

Land, Region: Dominican Republic, Cibao, Karibik
950 - 1.200 masl
Bodentyp: fertile soils
Düngemethode: biologisch
Schattentyp: grown in the shade
Ort der Verarbeitung:
on the farm
Anzahl der Varietäten: various
Dec - March

Mehr zur Farm

The hilly landscapes, tropical forests and abundant rainfall of the Dominican Republic offer an attractive eco-climate for growing coffee at mid-altitude at most.
The exquisite Ebano Verde coffee variety originates in the impressive Cibao Altura coffee-growing region of the Dominican Republic. Nestled in the fertile Cibao Valley, this region is characterized by its high altitudes, which significantly shape the characteristic taste profile of the coffee beans. Cibao Altura has made a name for itself through its consistent dedication to cultivating first-class coffee using sustainable and precise cultivation methods.

The Dominican coffee culture is dominated by Arabica coffee, especially the Typica, Catuai and Catimores varieties. The country's rich coffee heritage is deeply rooted in the hearts of its communities. Here, micro-producers, of which there are almost 50,000, play a central role in preserving this heritage. The production process, firmly rooted in tradition, reflects a deep passion for post-processing, with the washed processing method standing out in particular. This meticulous process ensures that the final product is characterized by a harmonious balance of body and acidity, underlined by a seductive and intense fragrance.

The special climatic conditions of Cibao Altura give the coffee its uniqueness. Thanks to the diverse topography of the region, there are a variety of microclimates that contribute to a differentiated taste experience. While the northern coastal regions have tropical temperatures of around 28°C, the southern areas are characterized by a more temperate climate and more frequent rainfall.

The thoughtful cultivation methods are also reflected in the shady nature of the plantations. By cultivating the coffee plants under natural tree canopies, the ripening process of the fruit is slowed down, resulting in a complex and full flavor of the beans. This approach not only underlines the quality of the coffee, but also the commitment to environmental protection, in line with the global trend towards sustainability.

  • 19grams Ebano Verde Dominican Republic Sträucher
  • 19grams Ebano Verde Dominican Republic Farm
  • 19grams Ebano Verde Dominican Republic Cherries
Espresso läuft durch Siebträger in 19grams Tasse

Bloody Good Espresso

Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

Mit unseren Espresso-Röstungen präsentieren wir die intensiven Geschmacksprofile verschiedener Kaffee-Ursprünge. Entdecke unsere Single Origin Espressos - allesamt 100% Aracabica Kaffees, die von unserem Röstteam sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend geröstet wurden.

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