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5. Finca Muxbal – Mexico Espresso

Milk Chocolate, Red Plum, Lime

This coffee offers a flavour profile of honey, peach and tropical fruit. Its stimulating acidity stimulates salivation and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.


Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


Unsere Dosen enthalten 50g und sind 100% recyclebar. Kein Mischmaterialien.


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5. Finca Muxbal – Mexico Espresso
5. Finca Muxbal – Mexico Espresso

Bloody Good Advent

– Seit 8 Jahren

Mexico Lovene Birdview

Zum Kaffee

Milk Chocolate, Red Plum, Lime

Süße: 4/5 Pear
Säure: 4/5 Peach
3/5 nutty

Varietät: Caturra, Mondo Novo, Catuai
Verarbeitung: Washed
Erntejahr: 2022/23
Trockungszeit: on raised beds in. thesun

1:2.5 (eg 19g coffee to 47.5g espresso yield) in 30-35 seconds

Über den Kaffee

This single origin blend from three different lots, Caturra, Mondo Novo and Catuai, is washed and then left to dry in the sun. Such blends are often made when the respective lots only yield small harvests. In this way, the farmer can create a larger lot and sell it more easily.

19grams Finca Muxbal – Mexiko Haus

Über die Farm

Muxbal Estate is an impressive coffee farm on a mountain top in Unión Juárez. The name "Muxbal" comes from the Mayan language and means "place surrounded by clouds". The farm extends over 236 hectares and is located directly on the border with Guatemala. Half of the area is planted with coffee, while the other half serves as a protected ecological reserve that is home to rainforest, rivers, springs and a variety of flora and fauna.

longer partner
Farmer/ Produzent:
Maeggi Rodriguez and their sons, Jorge and Juan Pablo

Land, Region: Mexico, Union Juarez, Chiapas
1.500 masl
Bodentyp: fertile soils
Düngemethode: organic
Schattentyp: Shade grown
Ort der Verarbeitung:
On the farm
Anzahl der Varietäten: Various

Mehr zur Farm

Muxbal has been Rainforest Alliance-certified since 2006 and continuously implements good environmental and social practices. On the property there is a school for the workers' children, housing for all employees and a kitchen that caters for everyone.

The farm is owned by Maeggi Rodriguez and managed by her sons, Jorge and Juan Pablo. They are very open to processing improvements and new ideas. This includes the development of processes for producing natural and honey-processed coffees.

Muxbal's history as a coffee farm dates back to the late 1700s. Over the years, the farm has seen many changes of ownership and was eventually acquired by Enrique Rodriguez, who developed it with passion and dedication.

A notable feature of the farm is "el Caracol", a road that was built in the 1960s. It took 10 years to build and was an enormous endeavour. Today, the road can comfortably accommodate most vehicles, but it remains an impressive testament to the effort that went into its construction.

  • Mexico Lovene Birdview
  • 19grams Finca Muxbal – Mexiko
  • Die Landschaft auf der Finca Muxbal in Mexiko
Espresso läuft durch Siebträger in 19grams Tasse

Bloody Good Espresso

Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

Mit unseren Espresso-Röstungen präsentieren wir die intensiven Geschmacksprofile verschiedener Kaffee-Ursprünge. Entdecke unsere Single Origin Espressos - allesamt 100% Aracabica Kaffees, die von unserem Röstteam sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend geröstet wurden.

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