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Runge'eto Kii - Kenya Filter

Red Currant, Rhubarb Marmelade, Lemon Curd

This single-origin blend by Rung'eto Kii from Kirinyaga impresses with an intense berry aroma accompanied by a distinct citrus note. Its taste is tangy and sparkling, which gives it a special freshness. The taste experience is rounded off by an elegant note that perfects the profile of this coffee.

Try this lot also as an espresso roast.


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Gibt es diesen Kaffee später zu kaufen?

Wird es diesen Kaffee später bei 19grams zu kaufen geben?

Auch, wenn wir glaube, dass es diesen Kaffee wieder geben wird, kann es sein, dass wir die frische Ernte entgegen der Erwartungen doch nicht kaufen. Aber, wenn wir ein Lot besonders gut finden, kann es sein, dass wir es auch für unser reguläres Sortiment rösten. Es kann aber sein, dass auch, wenn wir erst geplant haben, das Lot zu kaufen, dass wir es schließlich doch nicht im freien Verkauf anbieten werden.


Bloody Good Advent

– Seit 8 Jahren

Zum Kaffee

Red Currant, Rhubarb Marmelade, Lemon Curd

Süße: 4/5 berries
Säure: 5/5 citric
4/5 elegant

Varietät: SL28, SL34, Batian
Verarbeitung: Washed
Erntejahr: 2023
Trockungszeit: about 14 days

1:16,5 (e.g. 15gr coffee to 250gr water) in 2,5 to 3,5 minutes

Über den Kaffee

The process starts with the mechanical de-pulping of the cherries as soon as they arrive at the factory. The cooperative makes a point of having its factories close to small farms so that the cherries can be de-pulped as soon as possible after harvest. After de-pulping, the coffee beans are covered with a layer of sticky, fruity mucilage or mucilage. This mucilage is fermented in large tanks for 12 to 24 hours. Afterwards, the seeds are thoroughly "washed" in long washing channels.

A special feature of the processing is the "double soak", which is popular in Kenya. This step not only serves to increase the purity and intensity of the finished cup, but also provides a second opportunity to sort lower density coffee beans, which are often of lower quality or come from immature cherries.

Each processed batch is kept separate throughout the process and tasted separately. This allows the wet mill management to evaluate and continuously improve quality patterns.

19grams Rungeto Kii Kaffee Factory Sign

Über die Farm

The farm where our Rung'eto Kii is produced is part of the Rung'eto cooperative in Kirinyaga, north-eastern Kenya. The cooperative is known for its high quality in cherry selection, fermentation, sorting and separation, resulting in excellent coffee.

new partner
Farmer/ Produzent:
The Kii Washing Station is run by the Rung'eto Farmer's Cooperative Society, which also owns the Karimikui and Kiangoi mills. Near Ngariama are also Gakuyuini, which some of you should also already know and love. Much of the region was planted with coffee just before the advent of hybrid varieties in Kenya, which means that 99% of farmers who supply to Kii grow SL28 and SL34, while only about 1% use rust-resistant varieties such as Ruiru 11 or Batian.

Land, Region: Kenya, Kirinyaga
1.750 masl
Bodentyp: vulcanic soils
Düngemethode: biologic
Schattentyp: grown in shadow
Ort der Verarbeitung:
Kii Factory, auf der Farm
Anzahl der Varietäten: SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11, Batian and SL28
Nov - Jan

Mehr zur Farm

The small region in Kirinyaga served by the Kii Mill and surrounding the village of Ngariama is mainly a tea growing area, so most of the coffee planting is quite new. The region is known for the very high quality of both tea and coffee. Because it was planted a little later than neighbouring regions, the soils have not been depleted by years of conventional agriculture with its sprays and chemical fertilisers.

  • 19grams Kenya Rungeto Kii AA Kaffeeernte
  • 19grams Kenya rungeto kii kaffeeernte kaffeekirschen
  • 19grams Rungeto Kii Washing Station

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Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

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