Neueröffnung: 19grams Café Schlesi

New opening: 19grams Café Schlesi

The new 19grams Café Schlesi: Brunch, Lunch and Bloody Good Coffee

You have been waiting patiently and on Monday the time had finally come â€" the 19grams Café Schlesi 2.0 in Schlesische Straße is open and with it brunch, lunch, good mood and damn good coffee. On December 20 last year, we closed our little store in Schlesische Straße for a good reason. Spanning just a few square meters, the first 19grams Café was our baby for six years. Although the small space was more inviting for coffee to go than to stay, the café was the first stop of the day for many. Coffee, cake and the breakfast croissant were passed over the counter here with a smile every day and enjoyed outside on the patio on sunny days. But now there's light on your face and coffee in your belly in the new 19grams Schlesi, too.

neue 19grams Schlesi

The new opening of the 19grams Café Schlesi

Our new café is right next door, with more windows, more coffee, more cakes and even more room to sit. Croissants are also back and with them a whole brunch menu. That's right, we now also offer hot dishes, developed and prepared with love and a lot of creativity. Our winter menu includes poached cod fillet, chickpea pancakes, mandarin panna cotta and also weekly specials. The menu will change with the seasons to be as local and seasonal as possible. You can also enjoy our coffees of the month here and also take them home as beans. On request, we grind them fresh for you, so that only the best comes into your cup. If you are not in the mood for coffee, we have other drinks on the menu for you. Whether it's a hot tea or a homemade lemonade is up to you.

19 grams berlin

You can visit us at the following times:

Mon-Fri: 08-18 h Sa-Sun: 10-18 h
Kitchen open:
Mon-Fri 08-15 o'clock Sat-Sun: 10-16 o'clock

By the way, here is where you can find us: Schlesische Straße 38 10997 Berlin Subway: Schlesisches Tor with U2 We would be happy if you would stop by and take Schlesi 2.0 into your hearts just like the previous one.
Where else can you find us? Here you can find our locations.

new shop coffee berlin