El Paraìso

El Paraìso

Producer Diego was fascinated by coffee growing from a young age. His family did not grow coffee - but a family friend who ran a coffee farm was his first introduction to growing coffee plants. As he likes to say himself: Diego was adopted by the coffee industry!

After studying Agri-Business Management, Diego convinced his family to let him plant coffee trees on a small plot of their farm (2.5 hectares). This is how his career in coffee began: he cultivated his trees and sold the cherries to local cooperatives, which he used to finance his studies.

After graduating in 2012, Diego and his family founded Indestec, which now operates five fincas of its own throughout Cauca and grows 70 hectares of coffee trees. Their goal was to develop and promote competitive and sustainable agriculture through the development of technology solutions.

Since then, it has won the Cup of Excellence and other awards several times for its outstanding coffee lots.