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Mocha Mattari – Yemen Rare Espresso

Stewed fruits, Hazelnut, Oak
Regular price
26,90 EUR €
Regular price
Sale price
26,90 EUR €
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    We were particularly looking forward to this lot from Yemen: it is the first time that we roast a coffee from Yemen. Coffees from this region are usually very different from what we know from Africa, for example: this lot is funky, with low acidity reminiscent of plums. We taste spicy cloves. A strange, warm aftertaste.

    We have roasted this lot in the classic way - it is a dark espresso roast that you can also use really well in a fully automatic machine.

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    Wenn du zu Hause noch keine Mühle hast, mahlen wir deinen Kaffee gern nach deinen Wünschen. Klicke einfach oben auf die Zubereitungsart, für die du den Kaffee gemahlen haben möchtest.

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    Zudem ist gemahlener Kaffee vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen. 


    Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfältig verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


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    19grams Mocha Mattari – Jemen Rare Espresso 250g
    19grams Beutel Rückseite

    Geeignet für die Espresso Zubereitung:

    Bloody Good Coffee

    – SEIT 2002

    Jemen Coffee Farm Mattari Bird View

    Zum Kaffee

    Stewed fruits, Hazelnut, Oak

    Score: 85
    Süße: 2/5 Funky, Winey and Fermented
    Säure: 1/5 Prune
    3/5 Clove
    2/5 Muddled

    Varietät: Ismaili, Typica, Matari, Bourbon
    Verarbeitung: Natural
    Erntejahr: 2022
    Trockungszeit: Weather dependant

    1:2 (eg 19g coffee to a yield of 40 g of espresso) in 30-35 seconds

    Über den Kaffee

    We're super privileged to be roasting this coffee for our advent calendar this year. While Ethiopia is famous for being the origin of Arabica coffee, Yemen was the first place in the world that coffee was farmed. Exporting coffee from Yemen is a complex business, and finding something that meets modern specialty coffee's stringent demands for traceability is also rare.

    This coffee comes from Bani Matar, and is a mix of the Ismaili, Typica, Matari and Bourbon varieties. Water scarcity means that all coffee in Yemen is naturally processed, dried out in the sun, and this gives Yemeni coffees their unique, funky flavour profile. We taste nutty notes of hazelnuts and oak next to a prune-like acidity and stewed fruits. The body and finish are nicely balanced, with a delicate flavour of cloves.

    Map Yemen

    Über die Farm

    This Matari-Sayhee coffee comes from a gently sloping valley in the traditional coffee growing region of Bani Matar. Al-Sayh, as the valley is know, lies between 1500 and 1700 meters above sea level, with subtropical conditions that see around 300mm of rain in spring and summer and a very dry autumn and winter. The region is blessed with a permanent spring in the higher parts of the valley, enabling the coffee to enjoy generous irrigation, a rarity in Yemen and something that ensures the quality of the coffee harvest.

    Pearl of Tehama is the exporter of this coffee, and they've done a lot of groundbreaking work in the collection and traceability of their coffees, a historically complex undertaking in Yemen. The Matari-Sayhee comes from five villages, locally known as Mahlah, where 45 farmers form the group that grows this coffee that is then exporter by Pearl of Tehama. Each farm is run by up to 18 households, who tend to the coffee trees on terraced plots along the sides of the valley. This growing technique is unique to Yemen, and the landscape is spectacular, the terraces stacked along the mountainside, each level holding anything from 10 to 100 trees.

    New partner
    Farmer/ Produzent:
    Cooperative of small holders

    Land, Region: Yemen, Bani Matar
    1600 masl
    Bodentyp: Fertile soils
    Düngemethode: Organic
    Schattentyp: Not shade grown
    Ort der Verarbeitung:
    On the farm
    Anzahl der Varietäten: Several

    Mehr zur Farm

    This Matari-Sayhee coffee comes from a gently sloping valley in the traditional coffee growing region of Bani Matar. Al-Sayh, as the valley is know, lies between 1500 and 1700 meters above sea level, with subtropical conditions that see around 300mm of rain in spring and summer and a very dry autumn and winter. The region is blessed with a permanent spring in the higher parts of the valley, enabling the coffee to enjoy generous irrigation, a rarity in Yemen and something that ensures the quality of the coffee harvest.

    Pearl of Tehama is the exporter of this coffee, and they've done a lot of groundbreaking work in the collection and traceability of their coffees, a historically complex undertaking in Yemen. The Matari-Sayhee comes from five villages, locally known as Mahlah, where 45 farmers form the group that grows this coffee that is then exporter by Pearl of Tehama. Each farm is run by up to 18 households, who tend to the coffee trees on terraced plots along the sides of the valley. This growing technique is unique to Yemen, and the landscape is spectacular, the terraces stacked along the mountainside, each level holding anything from 10 to 100 trees.

    • Jemen Coffee Farm Mattari Bird View
    • Jemen Coffee Farm Mattari Birdview
    • Jemen Coffee Farm Mattari
    Firscher doppelter Espresso bei 19grams

    Bloody Good Espresso

    Kaffee ist eine Frucht mit vielen natürlichen Fruchtsäuren. Wir rösten unsere Espressos so, dass sie feine Säurelinien entwickeln, aber auch die Süße hervorheben. 

    Mit unseren Espresso-Röstungen präsentieren wir die intensiven Geschmacksprofile verschiedener Kaffee-Ursprünge. Entdecke unsere Single Origin Espressos - allesamt 100% Aracabica Kaffees, die von unserem Röstteam sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend geröstet wurden.

    Deinen Lieblingskaffee einfach online bestellen.

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