19grams_La Escondida_Espresso_natural

Nicaragua | Central America

In 1790, Catholic missionaries brought the first coffee to Nicaragua. 50 years later, its economic relevance increased due to international demand.

This is mainly due to the period between 1880 and 1980, which is now called the 'coffee boom'. During this period, coffee became one of the most sought-after export products. Coffee cultivation came to an almost complete halt during the civil war in the 1980s. Even today, the country suffers from the consequences of this terrible period. In addition, there are regular natural disasters that make it very difficult for the farmers.

Coffee from Nicaragua is predominantly Arabica. With an average altitude of 1,200 meters in the growing areas, the country provides ideal growing conditions. Often, these are family businesses that run small farms. The purchase of expensive machinery and fertilizer is often too expensive, so that the coffee is often organic by chance.

In addition, UCPCO (Unión Cooperativa Productores de Café Orgánico) ensures that fair conditions prevail and that farmers have a secure livelihood.

The flavor profile of Nicaraguan coffees is usually very complex: they impress with fruity notes as well as a pure, gentle acidity.