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What is a coffee shop?

Coffee culture has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, and one place has emerged as the center of that change: the coffee shop. Originating in the United States, these modern cafés have spread around the world, showcasing a wide range of specialty coffees that go far beyond the traditional espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato. In this blog post, we take a closer look at the world of coffee shops, their origins, differences from traditional cafes, and the unique coffee culture they have inspired.

A coffee shop represents a contemporary interpretation of the classic coffee shop. Here, not only the usual coffee varieties are served, but also creative creations made from different types of coffee are offered. In addition to espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato, for example, flavored coffee specialties are also refined here with syrup in various flavors. In addition, most coffee shops also offer a selection of small treats such as muffins or cakes that go perfectly with coffee.

The concept of coffee shops originated in the United States, where there are numerous chains that launched this trend. Today, coffee shops are also widespread in German-speaking countries, especially in major cities, and have become an integral part of the urban cultural landscape. The original concept of the U.S. coffee shops was to offer coffee of consistent taste and high quality in all branches of the chain. The design and furnishings were also uniform. This concept found rapid success in the U.S., where specialty coffees such as cappuccino or espresso had previously been rare. The opportunity to enjoy these coffee variations in a modern, yet relaxed atmosphere was met with great enthusiasm, as coffee was often consumed standing or walking in everyday life.

A characteristic feature of coffee shops is the option of enjoying coffee "to go" in convenient paper cups. This is ideal for people who are in a hurry, but still do not want to give up their high-quality coffee. In addition, coffee shops are characterized by the variety of coffee types and preparation methods. Customers can choose between a wide range of coffee drinks in different sizes. Most coffee shops also impress with their modern and design-oriented interiors, which makes them particularly popular with young people. Inspired by the coffee shops, a very unique coffee culture has developed, where it is standard to sit in the coffee shop, enjoy your coffee and surf the Internet or work at the same time - since most American coffee shop chains offer free WLAN. In German-speaking countries, coffee shops are mainly found in city centers, shopping malls, office districts, and at train stations and airports.

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