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BERLINKAFFEE Organic Espresso

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29,90 EUR €
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Sale price
29,90 EUR €
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    Our mild BERLINKAFFEE - Organic Espresso Roast balances the aromas of the best Single Origin Arabica beans from Costa Rica, Brazil, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea. This 100% Arabica Espresso Blend is suitable for all espresso specialties and, of course, also as a single shot. Fine lines of fresh and sweet oranges and mandarins, velvety, milk chocolate body. With aromas of hazelnut and a long-lasting cocoa aftertaste.

    Brazil, Fazenda Nossa Senhora de Fatima Organic Espresso Preparation method: Natural Arabica. The coffees from Ricardo and Gisele Resende have maintained a high quality standard for years. Various varieties such as Acaia, Mundo Novo, Bourbon and Icatu are grown here at an altitude of 950 meters. The coffee is characterized above all by its strong sweetness, which is only very slightly interspersed with fine lines of acidity. Its caramel notes lead to a long-lasting, dark-chocolate finish.

    Costa Rica, Finca "Las Lajas" Organic Espresso Processing method: Washed Arabica. The Finca "Las Lajas" is run completely organically and sustainably by Doña Francisca and Don Oscar Chacón. She has already received several awards for her innovative honey- and natural-processed methods. Your coffee for our Berlin Coffee Espresso has a round body, balanced notes of creamy milk chocolate, caramel and honey.

    Ethiopia, Sidamo Cooperative Oromia "Sidam" Fairtrade, Organic Espresso Preparation method: Washed Arabica. The coffee from the Sidamo region impressed us on our first trip to Ethiopia. In terms of taste, you will find the fresh aroma of ripe berries, a fine body and gentle, floral notes.

    Papua New Guinea - PSC A / X Organic Organic Espresso Preparation method: Washed Arabica. Coffee cultivation on Papua New Guinea is predominantly characterized by family-run plantations that process their coffees entirely by hand. The rough terrain of the islands makes the use of machines almost impossible. A family usually does not cultivate more than 60 coffee trees. The coffee from Papua New Guinea is directly related to the Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica. It has a strong, spicy taste, with restrained sweetness.


    Von tollen Farmern mit Liebe angebaut. 100% Arabica Kaffee, reif geerntet und sorgfälitg verarbeitet. Nachhaltig und fair gehandelt.


    Frisch geröstet, verpackt und sicher mit DHL an dich geschickt.


    Unsere Standard-Tüten enthalten 250g und sind 100% recyclebar. Kein Mischmaterialien.


    Nimm als Ausgangspunkt für diese Röstung dein bewährtes Rezept, oder hol dir Hilfe in unseren Brew Guides.

    Deine 1000g Tüte Berlinkaffee Bio Espressobohnen

    Bloody Good Classics

    – SEIT 2002

    Kaffeefarmer Rob, Sascha und Diego auf der Hacienda, Sonora

    Tres Cabezas Classics

    Die Traditions-Kaffee-Marke aus Berlin! In den Tres Cabezas Kaffees bringen wir seit 2002 zusammen, was für uns im Kaffee wichtig ist: hochwertige Kaffeebohnen aus dem Hochland, ein ausgeprägtes Röstprofil und natürlich das Bio-Siegel! 19grams wurde 2002 als Tres Cabezas in Berlin Friedrichshain gegründet - und ist damit Pionier im Specialty Coffee in Deutschland. Direkter Handel, Transparenz und starke Beziehungen zu den Farmern sind unsere DNA!

    Deinen Lieblingskaffee einfach online bestellen.

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