The cappuccino, probably the most famous coffee drink, is so commonplace that we don't even think about it that much. But what exactly is a cappuccino and what should you look for when making it?
The cappuccino is a classic in the world of cafés. Although it is rightly considered a typically Italian drink, it originated in the famous coffee houses of Vienna. Long before the advent of espresso machines and the steam power needed to froth a delicious cappuccino, Viennese coffee drinkers ordered what was called a capuchin, which referred to the color of the capuchin monks and indicated how much milk or cream they wanted in their coffee.
It wasn't until later, in the early twentieth century, that coffee entered the "steam age" with the invention of the espresso machine. This high-pressure coffee machine allowed the barista to tap the steam in the boiler to heat and froth milk. Combine the two in the right proportions - a single espresso and about 150 ml of thick, creamy milk - and you have the cappuccino.
There are a few factors that can set a cappuccino apart from others. Look for a nice, shiny milk that looks like a marshmallow, that forms a thick and stable frothy crown, and that is filled beyond the rim of the cup, creating a small dome. Of course, a good espresso is the foundation of any good cappuccino, and our house blend Wild at Heart pairs perfectly with the milk to create a wonderfully balanced cappuccino.
Want to take your caps to the next level? Then sign up for a barista training and we'll be happy to show you all the details.
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Happy Brewing,
dein 19grams Team
It says 5 stars but you cannot rate this abo at all. I'm dissapointed because I get same coffee again and again and I don't like it at all. Even cheapest Spig Blume roast mix is better. Sure maybe it's not my cup of tea but could you send just different once. I ordered cofee once in two weeks so it's not even very short time. I wouldn't recommend this abonemet.
ich habe eine Box (knapp100€ mit 1,2kg Bohnen) als Geschenk bestellt
gesendet wurde eine Box für 50 € mit 250g Kaffee und 2 Tassen ...
ich warte aktuell noch auf Rückmeldung vom Kundenservice , den werde ich dann extra bewerten .
aufgrund des bestellverlaufs bisher kann ich absolut keine Empfehlung aussprechen!
So disappointing this year. We have ordered the advent calendar for years now (and paid for shipping to the US - that's how much we liked them) but this year was a complete disappointment. Many of the tins had stale beans in them - they even smelled staled right when opening them. Very few nuances and just plain boring coffees. There were a few highlights sprinkled throughout but nothing worth writing home about. Honestly, I am looking forward to returning to my regular coffee. I won't be ordering this calendar again next year sadly.
Dank anaerober Aufbereitung bietet der Kaffee ein üppiges Aromaspektrum, beginnend mit ausgeprägten Fruchtnoten und gefolgt von Schokoaromen. Für diesen Kaffee muss man sich - auch in der Zubereitung - etwas Zeit nehmen. Er ist definitiv kein Alltagskaffee. Dafür ist er auch zu hochpreisig.