Kawo Kamina Farm is located at an altitude of about 2,000 metres and is surrounded by a dense vegetation cover that provides optimal shade and ensures high-quality coffee production. The estate near the village of Kawo covers 150 hectares in the Sheka appellation, Ethiopia. It has been in existence for 7 years. Heleanna Georgalis took over the management just over two years ago, this is her first harvest. Heleanna has extensive experience in the Ethiopian coffee sector and has further developed her expertise with this farm by becoming a producer herself. It was brave of her to take on such a challenge, especially in such a remote, difficult-to-access forest.
Wirklich zuverlässig guter Kaffee.
Ich mag den koffeinfreien Kaffee sehr gerne. Ich verrate Koffein oft nicht gut, deshalb freue ich mich diesen gefunden zu haben. Ich trinke den 1 Hz gerne in Cappuccino, wo er super zu Geltung kommt.
Flavours are interesting but coffee flavour is too mellow. Especially if you add milk.
Das ist für mich der beste Kaffee für eine Siebträgermaschine.
Ich hab schon diverse Kaffeebohnen probiert, aber der 120 Hz kann nicht getoppt werden.