The recipe to brew a great espresso as a filter
Many espresso roasts in Specialty Coffee are so light that you can easily brew them as a filter without tasting strong roasted notes. But there are techniques to make the fruity notes from espresso come out even better. Try brewing a concentrated coffee once and then continue to infuse it with hot water.
We recommend a slightly lower brewing temperature of 89°C with a brewing ratio of 1:10 (coffee:water).
The coffee is under-extracted, the bitter substances should not be flushed out of the coffee. The water should run through in about 2:40 min.
Test the result with a spoon, so that you can add water through the V60 if necessary, before diluting the coffee.
Now pour more water until you reach about a 1:15 brew ration.
Your recipe:
Water temperature: 89°C
Grind: fine to medium (depending on preference)
Brew ratio: 1:10 concentrated, then pour up to 1:15
Summer Tip!
Brew the coffee directly over large (!) ice cubes and enjoy a great iced filter coffee.