9 tolle Kaffee Dokumentationen, die du gesehen haben solltest

9 Great Coffee Documentaries You Need to Watch

Instead of watching Friends for the 100th time, allow us to add some variety to your streaming with our list of must watch coffee documentaries. So grab a snack, get comfy and let’s get nerdy!

Passion, dedication, creativity, barista. This documentary follows top baristas as they prepare for the National Barista Championships.

The Way Back to Yarasquin
Follow Mayra Orellana-Powell’s beautiful journey to reconnect with her origins in a remote village in Honduras. Mayra moved to the U.S to continue her education, but when struck by the sudden loss of two close family members, she returned to her village where her innate connection to coffee is undeniable. Seeing the economic instability for farmers, she creates essential opportunities to import specialty coffee to the U.S, doubling and tripling farmers’ profits.

Black Gold
Coffee is one of the highest selling commodities in the world, yet in spite of their integral role in the coffee supply chain, many farmers barely make a living wage. “Black Gold,” follows Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union founder Tadesse Meskela, as he negotiates with roasters on behalf of 70,000 Ethiopian farmers, fighting for a fair trade market. This documentary exposes the darker side of coffee trade, but leaves us with a positive reminder that our individual consumer votes can help to reform the industry.

Farming, processing, packing and roasting. Famous Q-grader and green buyer Geoff Watts travels to the coffee drinking capitals of America and top producing countries in the world, speaking to connoisseurs and farmers about everything they know about the world’s favourite drink.

Flower of Flowers
If you didn’t already know, coffee is a seasonal fruit, and therefore highly susceptible to climate change. In “Flower of Flowers,” a group of skateboarders, an artist, and a Quality Assurance manager take a look at the fluctuating weather patterns in Central America, and the effect this takes on the local coffee communities.

Shade Grown Coffee
You may have noticed in the descriptions of some of our coffees that some are “shade grown.” It means what you think: the coffee is grown in the shade, but why is it relevant you might ask? Sun grown crops have a pretty considerable impact on the environment. This documentary takes a deep dive into the social and environmental benefits of shadow-growing methods.

A Film About Coffee
Brandon Loper’s documentary takes us on a bean to cup journey covering all aspects of coffee: from the farmers to the baristas.

The Coffee Man
If you think your mate takes coffee seriously, this may change your mind. Follow top barista Sasa Sestic as he goes to extreme lengths in pursuit of the perfect cup of coffee, in the 2015 World Barista Championships.

Connected by Coffee
Two coffee roasters embark on a 1000 mile journey from Mexico to Nicaragua, hearing the stories of coffee growers and their unshakeable spirit that challenges the economic, social, and environmental obstacles they face. “Connected by Coffee,” provides transparency in global coffee trade and motivates consumers by giving them the information they need to make ethical choices in coffee consumption.

Six Dollar Cup of Coffee
Coffee for All
Coffee Heroes

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