In the land of machine builders, coffee machines with many functions are naturally very popular. Although none of the various fully automatic machines can make a real espresso like a manual filter machine, some of them still manage to make a pretty good cup of coffee. There are, of course, significant differences in quality. The two best-known manufacturers are undoubtedly Senseo and Nespresso, which make pad or capsule machines. The best-known manufacturers of fully automatic machines are Jura and Saeco. With these machines, beans are poured into a container and the coffee is freshly ground for each cup, but with insufficient pressure to make a true espresso. While the aroma of coffee pods dissipates quickly - as they are only wrapped in thin paper - sealed capsules have the advantage of preserving the aroma. Ultimately, fully automatic machines are practical as they allow for quick preparation, and those who enjoy the end product can make good use of them.