19grams Coffee

Maragogype Bean

Maragogype, also known as Maragogype coffee, is a cross between Arabica and Liberica coffee, named after the Brazilian port city of Maragogipe. The coffee bean of the Maragogype plant is characterized by its remarkable size and is often referred to as the "giant bean" or "elephant bean". These elongated beans are the largest coffee beans overall, measuring about 30 to 40% more than Arabica beans. After roasting, they are about 16 to 24 mm long and about 12 to 16 mm wide.

Maragogype coffee has a very mild taste and is low in acidity, which makes it gentle on the stomach. It is particularly well suited for preparation in a French Press or filter coffee machine and is less commonly used for espresso roasts. Like most Arabica beans, Maragogype coffee contains comparatively little caffeine. This is also influenced by the fact that Maragogype is often grown as a highland coffee. In general, the higher the altitude at which the coffee plant is grown, the lower the caffeine content in the beans.

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