Our Trainers

Visit us for a coffee training in our Roastery & Lab at Berlin Alexanderplatz. We offer courses for different topics. You can find all trainings in our Collection. These are our trainers.

Dimitar - Head of Training bei 19grams

Dimitar joined us at 19grams in the fall of 2022 as Head of Trainings. He has worked in the Specialty Coffee scene in Manchester for over 7 years, giving training to the business clients among others. So with Dimi, you'll not only have the chance to look inside the professional operations of a coffee shop, but you'll also learn the real tricks of making a coffee professionally. Learn more about Dimi in the 19grams Blog.


Philipp has been a trainer at 19grams since spring 2022 and takes special care of our workshops in German. He has been working professionally in specialty coffee as a barista, roaster, trainer or consultant for 6 years - but as a real coffee geek much longer. In the workshops he shares his knowledge with you.


John has been part of our team of trainers since winter 2022/23: John has been with 19grams for several years, first as a barista, then as store manager of our café in Schlesisichen Strasse.
John comes from Australia and discovered his love for specialty coffee in Berlin. He will support Head Trainer Dimitar especially in the barista course and the latte art course.

Tauche tiefer in die Welt des Specialty Coffee ein


  • Kaffeezubereitung

  • Partner in Origin

  • Kaffeelexikon

  • Anbaugebiete

Hier findet du alles, was bei uns gerade passiert. Brandneue Produkte, Infos und Events, an denen auch du teilnehmen kannst.


Du hast Fragen zu einer bestimmten Zubereitungsmethode: dann schau in unseren Brew-Guides vorbei. Hier erklären wir jede einzelne Schritt-für-Schritt.


Triff unsere Partner direkt! Alle Kaffeefarmen und Produzenten, mit denen wir arbeiten, findest du im Blog "Partner in Origin".


Im Kaffeelexikon erklären wir die JEDEN Begriff, der dir früher oder später in der Welt des Kaffees unterkommt. Jetzt stöbern!


Wo wird Kaffee eigentlich angebaut? Hier findest du alle Anbaugebiete der Welt - frisch für dich aufbereitet.

Röster des Jahres Crema Magazin
Frenchpress Kaffee Zubereitung bei 19grams
19grams Sonora Kaffeeernte
Kaffee Tasting von Cup of Excellence 2021
Kaffeeernte auf der Sonora Farm