Shiny Beans Espresso

by Jessica Ginkel and Daniel Fehlow



"We love good coffee! 

But for us, good coffee means not only that it tastes good, but also that it is grown and traded in the best way for people and nature. Unfortunately, the reality is that this is the exception rather than the rule in the coffee business.... Luckily, we don't want or need to go along with that anymore.We've teamed up with 19grams, a specialty coffee roaster from Berlin, to develop an espresso that tastes delicious both as an espresso and in combination with milk."

- Jessica & Daniel


How does Shiny Beans espresso taste

Shiny Beans Espresso tastes like a summer vacation - warm nutty notes of hazelnut and sweet syrup. With its dark chocolate flavor and velvety texture, it's also wonderful for a cappuccino or flat white!


Why 19grams?

We are 19grams and we deal exclusively in fair trade and sustainably grown Arabica coffees. This is the only way we can guarantee the quality of our coffees. For Jessica and Daniel, a special roast profile was developed by our head roaster Anthony. It works like this: To find out which coffee and roast Jessica and Daniel like best, we had them taste some of our coffees. The best way to do that is by cupping (a professional coffee tasting).

But not before, we asked them a few important questions. Filter or espresso? Fruity or chocolatey? Jessica and Daniel love espresso and so it was already clear - it must be a sweet-chocolate espresso.

All of our coffees are 100% Arabica coffees from sustainable and transparent farming. The Shiny Beans espresso is a single origin coffee from India. 

And here it comes: the Shiny Beans Espresso! 


Coffee Growing in India

In India, there are an incredible number of small coffee plantations. The coffee plants mostly grow in mixed cultures, which not only prevents diseases, but also promotes the diversity of flora and fauna. 

Fruits such as bananas, mangos, oranges or jackfruits are also grown on the coffee farms. But also spices like cardamom, cloves, nutmeg or cinnamon. Due to this diversity, Indian coffees are also often spicy and strong, but with few acids.





Get your Shiny Beans espresso now!

Shiny Beans Espresso


Exclusive - the first 200 bags are personally signed by your stars!



Before the official launch of Shiny Beans Espresso, there was a special event:

Jessica and Daniel thought to personally sign the first 200 bags. To sign, the two actors came by the 19grams Rösterei at the Alex and got to work. By the way, some great pictures were taken! Browse through the gallery and order now the Shiny Beans Espresso!

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